R package hySpc.read.jdx is a member of the r-hyperspec packages family. It import files written in the Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical Data Data Exchange format (JCAMP-DX). The imported data are returned as hyperSpec objects. A wrapper for the readJDX package.


There are two versions of hySpc.read.jdx online documentation:

  1. for the released version of package,
  2. for the development version of package.

The documentation of the other r-hyperspec family packages can be found at r-hyperspec.github.io.

Issues, Bug Reports and Feature Requests

Issues, bug reports and feature requests should go to an appopriate package’s repository:

  • if related to this package, use this link;
  • if related to hyperSpec package, use this link.


Install from CRAN

NOTE: this package is not relesed yet!

When available, you can install the released version of hySpc.read.jdx from CRAN with:


Install from CRAN-like Repository

The recommended way to install the in-development version:

repos <- c("https://r-hyperspec.github.io/pkg-repo/", getOption("repos"))
install.packages("hySpc.read.jdx", repos = repos)