These data input functions are deprecated and they will be removed in the next release of hyperspec package. Now functions in package (link) should be used as the alternatives.

Old description:

Import function for WinSpec SPE files (file version up to 3.0). The calibration data (polynome and calibration data pairs) for x-axis are automatically read and applied to the spectra. Note that the y-calibration data structure is not extracted from the file since it is not saved there by WinSpec and is always empty.

  xaxis = "file",
  acc2avg = F,
  cts_sec = F,
  keys.hdr2data = c("exposure_sec", "LaserWavelen", "accumulCount", "numFrames",

spe.showcalpoints(filename, xaxis = "file", acc2avg = F, cts_sec = F)



Name of the SPE file to read data from


Units of x-axis, e.g., "file", "px", "nm", "energy", "raman", ... read.spe function automatically checks if the x-calibration data are available and uses them (if possible) to reconstruct the xaxis in the selected units.


whether to divide the actual data set by the number of accumulations, thus transforming accumulated spectra to averaged spectra. WinSpec does not do this automatically, so the spectral intensity is always proportional to the number of accumulations. The flag @data$averaged is automatically set to TRUE.


whether to divide the actual data set by the exposure time, thus going to count per second unit.


Which metadata from the file header should be saved to the Data slot of a newly created hyperSpec object


hyperSpec object


  • spe.showcalpoints(): Plot the WinSpec SPE file (version 2.5) and show the calibration points stored inside of it (x-axis calibration)


R. Kiselev, C. Beleites