Functions show(), print(), summary(), and as.character() calculate and show a basic summary of a hyperSpec object.

# S4 method for hyperSpec

# S4 method for hyperSpec
print(x, range = FALSE, include = "main", ...)

# S4 method for hyperSpec
summary(object, ..., include = "all", range = TRUE)

# S4 method for hyperSpec
  digits = getOption("digits"),
  range = FALSE,
  max.print = 5, = c(2, 1),
  include = c("all", "main", "wl", "data")


object, x

A hyperSpec object.


Should the values be indicated as a range (from the smallest to the largest value) rather than as first and last elements?


Character vector that contains at least one (but usually several) of "all", "main","wl", or "data":

  • "all": the same as c("main", "wl", "data").

  • "main": the output includes the number of spectra, as well as the number rows an columns in @data field of hyperSpec object.

  • "wl": the output includes the summary of @wavelength field.

  • "data: the output includes the summary of each column in @data field.


print() and summary() hand further arguments to as.character().


Number of digits handed over to format.


Maximum number of elements to be printed (of a variable).

If a vector is longer than max.print, only the first[1] and the last[2] elements are printed.


After printing:

  • show() invisibly returns NULL,

  • print() and summary() invisibly returns x.

Function as.character() returns a character vector with summary of hyperSpec.


Function as.character() does the main calculations. Functions show(), print(), and summary() use as.character() and print their results with different defaults:

  • show() prints the summary with the most basic information on hyperSpec object (number of rows, columns and spectra),

  • print()has the same default output show(),

  • summary() prints a bit larger summary of hyperSpec, that includes the number of rows, columns and spectra, the information on @wavelengths, lists column names of @data as well as a preview of the smallest and the largest values.


# show()
faux_cell # Implicitly prints the object. The same as show(faux_cell)
#> hyperSpec object
#>    875 spectra
#>    4 data columns
#>    300 data points / spectrum

#> hyperSpec object
#>    875 spectra
#>    4 data columns
#>    300 data points / spectrum

# print()
#> hyperSpec object
#>    875 spectra
#>    4 data columns
#>    300 data points / spectrum

print(faux_cell, include = "data")
#> data:  (875 rows x 4 columns)
#>    1. x: x position [numeric] -11.55 -10.55 ... 22.45 
#>    2. y: y position [numeric] -4.77 -4.77 ... 19.23 
#>    3. region:  [factor] matrix matrix ... matrix 
#>    4. spc: intensity (arbitrary units) [matrix, array300] 15 168 ... 93 

print(faux_cell, range = TRUE, include = "data")
#> data:  (875 rows x 4 columns)
#>    1. x: x position [numeric] range  -11.55 -10.55 ... 22.45 
#>    2. y: y position [numeric] range  -4.77 -3.77 ... 19.23 
#>    3. region:  [factor] range  cell    matrix  nucleus 
#>    4. spc: intensity (arbitrary units) [matrix, array300] range  0 1 ... 448 

# The difference between range = TRUE and FALSE
# is evident only when data is not sorted.
faux_cell_2 <- sample(faux_cell)
print(faux_cell_2, include = "data")
#> data:  (875 rows x 4 columns)
#>    1. x: x position [numeric] 18.45 1.45 ... -8.55 
#>    2. y: y position [numeric] 18.23 14.23 ... 2.23 
#>    3. region:  [factor] matrix matrix ... matrix 
#>    4. spc: intensity (arbitrary units) [matrix, array300] 72 136 ... 128 

print(faux_cell_2, range = TRUE, include = "data")
#> data:  (875 rows x 4 columns)
#>    1. x: x position [numeric] range  -11.55 -10.55 ... 22.45 
#>    2. y: y position [numeric] range  -4.77 -3.77 ... 19.23 
#>    3. region:  [factor] range  cell    matrix  nucleus 
#>    4. spc: intensity (arbitrary units) [matrix, array300] range  0 1 ... 448 

# summary()
#> hyperSpec object
#>    875 spectra
#>    4 data columns
#>    300 data points / spectrum
#> wavelength: Delta * tilde(nu)/cm^-1 [numeric] 602 606 ... 1798 
#> data:  (875 rows x 4 columns)
#>    1. x: x position [numeric] range  -11.55 -10.55 ... 22.45 
#>    2. y: y position [numeric] range  -4.77 -3.77 ... 19.23 
#>    3. region:  [factor] range  cell    matrix  nucleus 
#>    4. spc: intensity (arbitrary units) [matrix, array300] range  0 1 ... 448 

summary(faux_cell, include = c("wl", "data"))
#> wavelength: Delta * tilde(nu)/cm^-1 [numeric] 602 606 ... 1798 
#> data:  (875 rows x 4 columns)
#>    1. x: x position [numeric] range  -11.55 -10.55 ... 22.45 
#>    2. y: y position [numeric] range  -4.77 -3.77 ... 19.23 
#>    3. region:  [factor] range  cell    matrix  nucleus 
#>    4. spc: intensity (arbitrary units) [matrix, array300] range  0 1 ... 448 

#>  [1] "hyperSpec object"                                                        
#>  [2] "   875 spectra"                                                          
#>  [3] "   4 data columns"                                                       
#>  [4] "   300 data points / spectrum"                                           
#>  [5] "wavelength: Delta * tilde(nu)/cm^-1 [numeric] 602 606 ... 1798 "         
#>  [6] "data:  (875 rows x 4 columns)"                                           
#>  [7] "   1. x: x position [numeric] -11.55 -10.55 ... 22.45 "                  
#>  [8] "   2. y: y position [numeric] -4.77 -4.77 ... 19.23 "                    
#>  [9] "   3. region:  [factor] matrix matrix ... matrix "                       
#> [10] "   4. spc: intensity (arbitrary units) [matrix, array300] 15 168 ... 93 "

as.character(faux_cell, include = c("wl", "data"))
#> [1] "wavelength: Delta * tilde(nu)/cm^-1 [numeric] 602 606 ... 1798 "         
#> [2] "data:  (875 rows x 4 columns)"                                           
#> [3] "   1. x: x position [numeric] -11.55 -10.55 ... 22.45 "                  
#> [4] "   2. y: y position [numeric] -4.77 -4.77 ... 19.23 "                    
#> [5] "   3. region:  [factor] matrix matrix ... matrix "                       
#> [6] "   4. spc: intensity (arbitrary units) [matrix, array300] 15 168 ... 93 "